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How to Register Legal Representative Assessee in Income Tax Portal

The legal representative has to register on the Income Tax website as a legal heir. Registration as legal heir is mandatory for e-filing of return on behalf of the deceased person.

To know who legal representative is, I recommend you please read our earlier article “Taxable Aspects of Income of Deceased Person.

Here one more question arises, Who can register as a Representative Assessee on the e-Filing portal? and What are the documents required to be furnished?

Click here for table lists of persons and documents :
Category of Person being represented Who shall Register as RepresentativeCopy of documents required to register as Representative Assessee
Mentally IncapacitatedGuardian / Manager who is managing the affairs of such person– PAN of mentally incapacitated
– PAN of Representative Assessee
– Medical Certificate certifying mental incapacitation
 Legal Heir Legal heir of the deceased person-PAN of deceased
-PAN of legal heir
-Death Certificate
-Legal Heir Certificate / Surviving Member Certificate / Pension Order / Registered Will
 Minor Guardian / Manager who is managing the affairs of such person-PAN of minor
-PAN of guardian
-Proof of Guardianship
Lunatic or IdiotGuardian / Manager who is managing the affairs of such person-PAN of Lunatic or Idiot
-PAN of guardian
-Certificate issued by medical authority
 Court of Wards Administrator General / Official Trustee / Receiver / Manager who manages the property-PAN of ward
-PAN of receiver / manager
-Court Order
 Trust in Writing Trustee-PAN of beneficiary
-PAN of trustee
-Attested declaration by trustee
 Oral Trust Trustee-PAN of beneficiary
-PAN of trustee
-Attested declaration by trustee

The PAN of both the deceased person and the legal heir should be registered in the e-filing portal. However, if the PAN of the deceased person is not registered, the legal heir can get the registration done on behalf of the deceased. Following are the steps for registration of legal heir:

Step 1 – Go to income tax department E-filing portal.

Step 2 – Login to e-filing portal using legal heir credentials

Step 3 – Go to My Account and register as Representative.

Step 4 –  

  • Select the type of Request – New Request
  • Select the Add/Register as representative – “Register yourself on behalf of another person”.
  • Select the category to register as Estate of deceased.

Step 5 – Upload the requisite documents like PAN of deceased person, legal hire certificate   

After completing the above process, the legal representative request is sent to the e-filing administrator. The e-filing administrator will verify the request and may approve or reject same.

Goal of Human

मैं मानव संतान हूं।

मैं सुखी होना चाहता / चाहती हूं।

मैं प्रसन्न रहना चाहता / चाहती  हूं।

हर मानव सुखी होना एवं प्रसन्न रहना चाहता है।  

मैं समझना चाहता हूं समझने पर मैं सुखी और प्रसन्न होता हूं।

मैं अपने शरीर को समझना चाहता / चाहती हूं।

मैं अपनी क्षमताओं को समझना चाहता / चाहती हूं ।

मैं अपने आसपास की वस्तुओ को समझना चाहता / चाहती हूं।

सभी मानव ऐसा ही चाहते हैं। समझ कर ही मानव समझदार मानव कहलाता है।

मैं समझदार बनना चाहता / चाहती हूं।

हर मानव समझदार हो ऐसा मैं चाहता / चाहती हूं।

हर मानव समझकर ही निरंतर सुख पूर्वक जी सकता है।

यही मानव की मूल चाहत है।

यही मानव लक्ष्य है।

Corporate Debt Restructuring (CDR)

What is Debt Restructuring?

Corporate debt restructuring refers to the reformation of a business entity that is in financial trouble. The main aim refinances its existing debt obligations in order to gain more flexibility in the short term and make their debt load more manageable.

This process is usually done by the creditors and the management of the company, which is in distress. It is outside the purview of BIFR (Board for Industrial and Financial Reconstruction), DRT and other legal proceedings.

What is Debt?

Debt is money borrowed by one party from the other to meet the financial need. Many organizations use debt to purchase goods and services that they cannot pay for in cash.

The objects of the CDR mechanism

The objective of the Corporate Debt Restructuring (CDR) framework is to;

“To ensure a timely and transparent mechanism for the restructuring of corporate debts of viable entities facing problems, for the benefit of all concerned.”

“To aim at preserving viable corporates that are affected by certain internal and external factors”.

“To minimize the losses to creditors and other stakeholders through an orderly and co-ordinated restructuring programme”.

How to Achieve Debt Restructuring:

Companies can achieve debt restructuring by negotiating directly with creditors to restructure their loan payment terms. Debt restructuring is sometimes imposed on a company by its creditors if it cannot make its scheduled debt payments. In CDR financial institutions and/or banks restructure the debt of companies who facing financial distress. Here are some ways in which this can be achieved:

1. Debt for Equity Swap:

This is usually the case with companies with a large base of assets and liabilities. Where the creditors feel that bankruptcy is not a beneficial step for the company as well as the creditors. Creditors can agree to forgo a certain amount of outstanding debt in exchange for equity in the company. Where forcing the company to go bankrupt would create little value for creditors.

2. Bondholder Haircuts:

Companies with outstanding bonds can negotiate with their bondholders to offer repayment at a “discounted” level. This can be achieved by reducing or omitting the payment of interest or principal.

3. Informal Debt Repayment Agreements:

This is a more economical and favorable method. This can be done by reaching out to creditors directly and negotiating new terms of repayment. The debt restructuring company may request for lenient repayment terms and even allow some part of its debt to be written off.

AndroiD 12L

Mindset to use tablet

A relative of mine just bought a new Android tablet a while back during Amazon’s festival offer. I was later told about this purchase that this new Android tablet is also not expensive, and it has a good configuration along with having a big screen. If you want to watch any of your favorite movies on TV, then for this you have to go to your drawing room and look in a particular posture, but at such time Android tablet is best suited for watching drama and listening to music in bed. You can use it as a portable screen when needed.

In my relative’s view, today’s Android tablet is a pure entertainment product. The old-fashioned application optimization problem limits the performance of this type of device. A tablet that shares a set of application ecology with a mobile phone will always lag behind in optimization priority. Yes, there are still a large number of applications that are not compatible with tablets.

Android 12L Launch

Last month at the end of October 2021, Google announced the launch of Android 12L.

What’s in 12L?

12L is an operating system update that will work better on bigger screens. The 12L refined the UI on the larger screen in notifications, quick settings, lock screen, overview, home screen, and more. For example, on screens above 600dp, the notification shade, lock screen, and other systems use a new two-column layout to take advantage of Surface screen area. System apps are also optimized.

Large screen layouts display more content in a two-column layout.

L stand for?

The “L” in Android 12L stands for “device with a larger screen” – but Google hasn’t confirmed that yet.

Android 12L availability?

Google said that Android 12L will be released to consumers in early 2022.

An Android 12L beta?

Yes. A developer preview is available for people to test.

Devices support Android 12L?

According to Google they said they are already working with OEM partners to bring these features to their big screen devices – watch out for the developer preview of the 12L coming soon to the Lenovo P12 Pro. With more features coming to devices in the coming few months, now is a great time to optimize your apps for the bigger screen.

Google 12L vs iPad

According to Google, there are already over 250 million large screen devices equipped with the Android system, and the launch of Android 12L at the moment is indeed a good opportunity for that.

The recovery of the tablet market has prompted Android tablet maker manufacturers such as Xiaomi, Huawei and Realme to make a comeback. The global tablet market will continue to improve in the times to come.

The 12L will have a better chance of trying it out on a folding screen mobile phone. However, it has been 3 years since Samsung’s first Galaxy Fold folding screen mobile phone was launched. Such products have now become more popular as they become more mature.

OECD Fixes Minimum Tax of 15% MNCs From 2023

Multinational Corporations may be subject to minimum tax of 15% from 2023. It may be an important and major step of OECD towards in reform of the worldwide tax system.

The system, sponsored by 136 nations, including India. In this reform it was tried to ensure an honest sharing of Taxes for nations where multinationals and worldwide advanced organizations, like Netflix, Google acquire incomes.

The Landmark deal assented by 136 nations and jurisdiction addressing over 90% of worldwide GDP. Most useful MNCs are round the world and it was also ensured in landmark deal that these corporation pay a fair share of tax wherever they operate and generate revenue.

The two-pillar solution is expected to come out in the G20 Finance Ministers’ meeting in Washington DC on 13 October, then at the end of the month at the G20 Leaders’ Summit in Rome.

It is also said in OECD statement, with effective implementation in 2023 various countries are aiming to sign a multilateral convention during 2022.

What is meant by PSUs?

An enterprise or corporation in India which owned by the government, and in which the government has a majority stack of 51% or more, can be classified as a public sector undertaking (PSU) or public sector enterprise.

All government owned corporations, statutory corporations and a nationalized company is called PSU. These enterprises or corporations are wholly or partly owned directly by the Government of India or by one or both of the other State or Territorial Governments together.

The following terms are used for Public Sector Undertakings:

  • CPSU : Central Public Sector Undertakings
  • CPSE : Central Public Sector Enterprises
  • SLPE/SLPU : State Level Public Enterprises/Undertakings

1. CPSU : Central Public Sector Undertakings

  • Companies in which the majority stack is either 51% or more with the Central Government or any other CPSE.
  • As of March 2019, there were a total of 348 CPSE companies in India. However, this count does not include the count of insurance companies. If we talk about operational enterprise then this number is about 249.
  • CPSU companies are like National Thermal Power Corporation (NTPC), National Hydro-electric Power Corporation (NHPC), Nuclear Power Corporation (NPC), Neyveli Lignite Corporation (NLC), North-eastern Electric Power Corporation (NEEPCO), Damodar Valley Corporation (DVC), Power Grid Corporation (PGCIL), Coal India Limited (CIL), and the Railways, and includes their respective successors, assigns and permitted substitutes, BSNL.

2. CPSE : Central Public Sector Enterprises

  • Companies in which the Central Government holds 100% shares.
  • CPSE are like Railways, Indian Postal Services
  • CPSEs are administered by the Ministry of Heavy Industries and Public Enterprises.
  • CPSEs are further classified like below category:
    • The Maharatnas
      • The Government of India approved the introduction of the “Maharatna” category for Central Public Sector Enterprises (CPSEs) on 2009. The main objective of CPSEs is to empower, emerge as global giants and expand their operations globally.
      • Can invest Rs. 5000 crores in one project.
      • Maharatnas companies are like NTPC Limited, Steel Authority of India Limited, Indian Oil Corporation Limited, Oil & Natural Gas Corporation Limited etc.
    • Navratna
    • Miniratna
      • The Government of India introduced the ” Miniratna” category for Central Public Sector Enterprises (CPSEs) in 1997. The main objective is to further turning the public sector into a profit making enterprise by making it more efficient and competitive.
        • Miniratna Category – I
          • Category-I companies are such Miniratna, which have made consistent profits in the last three years. The pre-tax profit should have been greater than or equal to Rs 30 crore at least once out of three years and the company should have a positive net worth.
          • Category-I companies are like Airports Authority of India, Indian Railway Catering & Tourism Corporation Limited etc.
        • Miniratna Category – II
          • Category-II companies are such Miniratna, which have made consistent profits in the last three years. The company should have a positive net worth.
          • Category-II companies are like Bharat Pumps & Compressors Limited, Broadcast Engineering Consultants (I) Limited etc.

3. SLPE/SLPU : State Level Public Enterprises/Undertakings

  • Companies in which the majority stack is either 51% or more with the State Government or any other CPSE.

After India’s independence in 1947, only five central public sector enterprises were left, which were formed by the British government in India and by 2019, the number of PSUs was around 348.


This Rent Agreement is made on this —- Day of —- 2021 by ­­­­– (Name of Landlord) S/o __(Fathers Name) R/o (residential address of Land Lord), herein after called the Lessor / Owner, Party Of the first part


(Name Tenant) S/o (Father name of Tenant) R/o (residential address of Tenant) herein after called Lessee/Tenant, Party of the Second Part.

Whereas the expression of the   term, Lessor/Owner and the Lessee/Tenant    Shall mean   and    include   their   legal    heirs   successors, assigns, representative etc.

Whereas the Lessor /Owner is the owner and in possession of the property –(address of Property to be given on) —   and has agreed to let out the one office Room, one Toilet & Bathroom Set on said property, to the Lessee/Tenant and the Lessee/Tenant   has agreed  to  take  the  same  on  rent  of Rs. _____ (Rupees ______ Only) p.a..


That the Tenant/Lessee shall pay as the annually rent of Rs. _____/- (Rupees _____ Only) p.a.

That the Tenant /Lessee shall not sub–let or let rented property to anyone else under any circumstances without the consent of Owner.

That the Tenant / Lessee shall abide by all the byelaws, rules, and regulation, of the local authorities in respect of the rented property and shall not do any illegal activities in the said demised premises.

That the Tenant/Lessee shall not be entitled to make structure in the rented premises except the installation of temporary decoration, wooden partition/ cabin, air conditioners etc. without the prior consent of   the owner

That the Tenant/Lessee shall permit the Lessor/Owner or his Authorized agent to enter in to  the   said  tenanted  premises  for  inspection/general checking or to carry out the repair work, at any reasonable time.

That the Tenant/Lessee shall keep the said premises in clean & hygienic condition and shall not do or causes to be done any act which may be a nuisance to other.

That the Lessee shall pay the ____ month’s advance rent to the Lessor the same shall be adjusted in monthly rent.

That both the parties have read over and understood all the contents of this agreement and have signed the same without any force or pressure from any side.

In WITNESS WHEREOF the lessor/Owner and  the Tenant / Lessee have hereunto subscribed  their  hand  at  __(City) on this ___ day  of ____, 2021 above Mentioned in presents of the following Witnesses.  


(Sign here)

(Name of Landlord)

(Sign here)

(Name of Tenant)

Do you have to report cryptocurrency investments as foreign assets on your in ITR?

If you have investment in Cryptocurrency, then this Could Be the Most Important Article For You.

Most Experts agree that profit or loss in digital currency like BIT COIN and other Crypto Currencies, must be accounted for in your Income Tax Return (ITR). Although, there is no clarity on whether the cryptographic money must be accounted for in ITR regardless of whether there has been no gain or loss from the same.

According to current Income Tax Law, an individual is needed to report all of his/her foreign Assets irrespective of his/her Income Level. So, do you need to report your cryptographic money Investment while you filing your ITR for the Financial Year 2020-21?

Read : What is Crypto currency?

What the Income Tax Rules State

Here is the rule that the current Income Tax Rules state about reporting of cryptographic money belongings in your ITR:

1) If a Individual’s Net Taxable Income exceeds Rs 50 lakh, then, at that point, he/she should report their Assets and liabilities in schedule AL of the ITR.

2) Similarly, if an individual is holding foreign assets for example, stocks listed in the US, then, at that point, he/she needs to report all of his assets and liabilities irrespective of total income Financial Year. An individual having foreign assets  or who is a beneficiary of any assets or having signatory authority in any record situated outside India is compulsorily needed to report in ITR even his/her gross income is below the basic exemption limit.


Cost Inflation Index

In the long run the cost of materials rises, leading to a decline in the purchasing power of cash.

If one unit of a commodity can be bought for Rs 100 today, then tomorrow one unit can be bought for Rs 200 due to devaluation in purchasing power.

The Cost Inflation Index (CII) is used to know the current real price of any commodity from year to year.

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